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* Taken from the stop watch application in NextDeveloper .
// Animator.m
// Object for general timing, animation, and dynamics.
// Author: R. E. Crandall, Educational Technology Center
// 10-Apr-88
// Revised by Bluce Blumberg for 0.8, 29-Sep-88
// Revised for 1.0 by Ali Ozer, 13-Jun-89
* An 'Animator' controls the timing for your action method of choice.
* The object may function as a general timer object; i.e.
* graphics are neither expected nor required by the class.
* When you create an Animator with +newChronon, you specify
* the time interval between calls, the adaptation time constant (see below),
* the target to which the method belongs, the action name, whether to
* automatically start up the timing upon creation, and an event mask (if you
* plan to break conditionally out of loops within the action method.
* The Animator has adaptive means for adjusting to harsh operating
* environments. An adaptation constant d > 0. will invoke dynamical
* correction of entry times, on-the-fly, so that the desired chronon
* will be realized in a real-time sense.
* Functionality and applications are discussed in Report ETC-0008.
#import "Animator.h"
#import <appkit/Application.h>
#import <sys/time.h>
#import <objc/vectors.h>
@implementation Animator
void TimerFunc(teNum,now,self)
DPSTimedEntry teNum;
double now;
id self;
if (self->howOften > 0.) [self adapt];
[self->target perform:self->action with:self];
+ newChronon: (double) dt /* The time increment desired. */
adaptation:(double)howoft /* Adaptive time constant (0.deactivates).*/
target: (id) targ /* Target to whom proc belongs. */
action: (SEL) act /* The action. */
autoStart: (int) start /* Automatic start of timed entry? */
eventMask: (int) eMask /* Mask for optional check in "shouldBreak". */
self = [super new];
ticking = NO;
desireddt = dt;
[self setIncrement: dt];
[self setAdaptation: howoft];
[self setTarget: targ];
[self setAction: act];
if(start) [self startEntry];
mask = eMask;
[self resetRealTime];
return self;
- resetRealTime {
/* After this call, getDoubleRealTime is the real time that ensues. */
struct timeval realtime;
synctime = realtime.tv_sec + realtime.tv_usec/1000000.0;
passcounter = 0;
t0 = 0.0;
return self;
- (double) getSyncTime {
- (double) getDoubleEntryTime {
/* Returns real time since "resetrealTime". */
return(- synctime + entrytime.tv_sec + entrytime.tv_usec/1000000.0);
- (double) getDoubleRealTime {
/* Returns real time since "resetrealTime". */
struct timeval realtime;
struct timezone tzone;
return(- synctime + realtime.tv_sec + realtime.tv_usec/1000000.0);
- (double) getDouble {
return([self getDoubleRealTime]);
- adapt {
/* Adaptive time-step algorithm. */
double t;
if(!ticking) return self;
t = [self getDoubleEntryTime];
if(t - t0 >= howOften) {
adapteddt *= desireddt*passcounter/(t - t0);
[self setIncrement: adapteddt];
[self startEntry];
passcounter = 0;
t0 = t;
return self;
- setBreakMask : (int) eventMask {
mask = eventMask;
return self;
- (int) getBreakMask {
- (int) isTicking {
- (int) shouldBreak {
/* Call this to see if you want to exit a loop in your action method. */
int found;
NXEvent *e, event;
e = [NXApp peekNextEvent:mask into:&event
waitFor:0.0 threshold:NX_BASETHRESHOLD];
return(e ? 1: 0);
- setIncrement: (double) dt {
adapteddt = dt;
interval = dt;
return self;
- (double) getIncrement {
- setAdaptation: (double) oft {
howOften = oft;
return self;
- setTarget: (id) targ {
target = targ;
- setAction:(SEL) aSelector
action = aSelector;
return self;
- startEntry
[self stopEntry];
teNum = DPSAddTimedEntry(interval,&TimerFunc,self,NX_BASETHRESHOLD);
ticking = YES;
return self;
- stopEntry
if (ticking) DPSRemoveTimedEntry(teNum);
ticking = NO;
return self;
- free
if (ticking) DPSRemoveTimedEntry(teNum);
return [super free];